Overview of our 1st Parkinson’s Funding Campaign!
Our team stepped out of our comfort zone in March- with the intention to help inspire, and support our community members with Parkinson’s. We determined we would raise funds for Michael J. Fox Foundation Research.
When we first started discussing goals and ideas, we developed a much bigger plan with multiple moving parts. As amazing as that impact could have been, we soon realized it takes a lot of legal counsel and guidance to run a beast such as a sweepstakes. This then led us to start with what mattered, we decided to do a contest and give away a QuietKat electric bike to someone with Parkinson’s and raise funding for MJF.
We just want to take time to thank our team for being so flexible and willing to adapt and try new things…Whether that was learning how to track our invoicing, creating software updates, marketing tactics, graphic and content designing, and setting realistic goals for funding, and just overall heart to follow through with big picture plan!

We Surpassed Our Fundraising Goal!
We set a goal of $5,000 for the month of April residential repairs and operator installations.
We were so thrilled to exceed it and to be able to write that check!!
This is only our first year, who knows what will become of this for years to come!

Meet our Electric Bike Winner - Tom!
What stood out to us about Tom, was how willing he was to share about his specific struggles with PD and how he perseveres through it.
Despite the battle of fine tuning medications, resting to alleviate side effects of medications & physical symptoms, he values spending his good stretches with his family outdoors doing what they love. Whether hiking, biking, or riding the trails with his grandkids. He has a great attitude about staying active.
He plans to use this bike to maintain his physical fitness to combat his Parkinson’s progression.
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